Saturday, October 12, 2013

Off to the races...

So you finally got the bug! You go to bed late at night because you were taking long exposure photography somewhere off in the woods. All your friends can count on you to be the annoying one at every barbecue taking pictures of everything they do, and I do mean EVERYTHING! You shoot birds, bugs, cats, dogs, sunsets and sunrises and people if they don't already have a restraining order against you for, you guessed it: Taking too many pictures! 

You have this burning feeling in your heart that won't go away that leaves you no other options: You must start your own photography business!

So you have started your photography business, congratulations! Let me also say: You started a photography business, my condolences! Why such grim news? Well its not that I predict your business to miserably fail, although it could if you're not careful. It's that the moment you make this a business because you love to shoot, you soon realize, there are so many things you have to do that have absolutely nothing to do with photography. So here are a few things that you have to do outside of take great pictures.

Build a brand

Now that you are doing this for money, you have to create a brand so potential customers can recognize your work. This means creating a nice logo, letterhead, website, Instagram account, Twitter feed, Facebook page, Google+ account and maybe even a blog. Very few are like +Ted Vieira who shots are to die for and can also make killer websites. Because of this you either have to spend some money, get the website done by professionals, or bite the bullet and try to create one yourself. The latter decision can end you up in the same boat that I currently find myself, as I am a software engineer by day, web technologies are secondary (thus a small learning curve), and worst of all I am picky as hell, hence, when you go to, all you get is a coming soon with my Logo! After all these branding things are complete, now you have to keep them up to date, and this takes valuable time from other core skills you need to hone such as Photoshop and creating a file management system.

Keep it straight with Johnny Law

Now you are a business and you want to make money, so what is your business formation? You have a few to choose from such as sole proprietor, Limited Liability Company, partnership and corporation. Each has its pros and cons, and your best bet is to go to your states government website and find out more details. This is one of the most important decisions you have to make, as it effects your tax structure, liability in case of suit and a slew of other things that can truly make or break you personally if you are not careful!

Put the Camera Away

What! I just started a photography business, and you want me to put away my camera? Most small businesses first get clients from their friends and family, and as business grows they will get work from total strangers. But if your friends see you take pictures like you breathe air (fancy way for saying all the time), it actually may devalue your services. Who wants to pay you your sitting fee to shoot their son in his football uniform when you took all those shots for free just prior to the game last week? Until you grow outside of your small natural market, you have to show that your work takes effort that deserves monetary compensation.

Where has the Love Gone

So you are off to the races! You have taken your hobby to the next level. If you still love to shoot with all the other things that come along with making a formal business, then this is for you. Whatever you do, don't lets the business side of the game take your passion for the shot. If it does, shut it down. Nothing is worth the passion of the shot!

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